Refund Policy

As a leading manufacturer and seller of grocery products, Hi-Tech Organic Food  follows a well-defined Refund, Return and Cancellation Policy to achieve optimum customer satisfaction.

When a customer gets in touch with us through phone or email or chat, we aim at providing desired technical support or customer service. However, it might happen that the customer may still find the product unsatisfactory for reasons beyond our control, in such a case we follow a return or cancellation policy described below:

 How to Cancel an order on

 If you choose to cancel the order that you have placed with us, please do so within 12 hours. If you have received the product, it will be eligible for a refund only when there are defects in the product or it is perished.

Our Policy We will refund the amount in the same form we received the payment and it is normally done within 7 working days from the date of cancellation of the order. Once refunded, an email confirmation is sent to the customer about a refund.